Friday, February 8, 2019

Retirement Job

"There’s never enough time to do all the nothing you want."Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes

I decided early on, when retirement loomed just over the horizon, that I would be candid about my intentions. To wit:

"No, I'm not going to practice law part time. Part time at a law firm means I'd only work forty hours a week."

"No, I'm not especially interested in returning to University teaching. The classroom is a joy. Grading is a nightmare."

"Much as I loved being a bike cop, forty years after first taking a job as a police officer my bike copping days are all in the past. Once my Academy assignment is over, so is my LE career."

I mentioned to the Academy class recently that I have found the perfect post-law enforcement occupation. It will require minimal public contact, give me time to write and can be accomplished in the company of my beloved dogs. My loving wife can follow the lead of her substantial intellect and huge heart, content that I will not spend idle, empty days watching cricket.

Porch watcher.

I know what you're thinking. That's just another one of Greer's idiotic schemes, silly ideas and clever but meaningless formulations. Well... You'd be wrong.

One of our new recruits emailed this to me, an indication that she, if no one else, takes this shit seriously.

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