Thursday, October 1, 2009

Not Ready for Winter

I hear it from many of my non-cop friends - don't you just love Fall?


As is traditional, Winter follows shortly thereafter. Here in Colorado, it often follows THE NEXT DAY, with mild temps on Tuesday and a foot of wet snow on Wednesday. Legend has it that Thursday can bring golf weather and that is often true. But...

There is still the day of snow to contend with. Icy roads, wet feet and in and out of the warm car to the point where my old, cranky body has no idea how to react. In the course of my career I've directed traffic for two straight hours in an October blizzard, worked in temperatures approaching 20 below and seen nearly three feet of snow accumulate from the time I got to work until the time I left for home.

Now I know what you are thinking. "Bitch, bitch bitch. A good cop never gets wet, cold and blah blah blah." Fine. Be that way.

I'm just saying - if you see me around, don't tell me how pretty Fall is and ask me if I'm ready for Winter. We'd have to be sitting on some beach somewhere for me to say yes.

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